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The Master’s Degree Program foresees a full-time attendance divided into two semesters (September-December and February-June) and organized in the following courses:

Mono-disciplinary Courses: characterized by theoretical contents that are communicated with frontal lessons and verified during the year with tests and interviews.
Laboratories: which provide design activities by students under the guidance of the teaching team.
Workshop: full-time courses, lasting one week, in which a project is developed under the guidance of a foreign visiting professor, or a well-known professional, or in co-tutelage with a company.
The Erasmus program and other international mobility programs allow students to spend a study period abroad at qualified European universities.

First year of studies

Second year of studies

Workshop / 6 CFU

Teachers to be defined

Preparazione elaborato di tesi / 12 CFU

Training activities under the guidance of a teacher-supervisor, aimed at preparing the final examination for the qualification achievement

Tirocinio / 18 CFU

​Training experience in the work world, that allows putting into practice the skills acquired on a theoretical level during the course of studies and permit to orientate towards a future conscious professional choice

Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in Communication Design
School of Design, Politecnico di Milano
Bovisa Campus, B1 Building, via G. Candiani 72, 20158 Milano

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